
A race of hostile aliens never seen by a citizen of the Empire. The Sle'Stacheyar were discovered during an exploratory mission of the Imperial Expeditionary Force L1/L2 L3/L4. Judging by pictograms discovered at several abandoned Sle'Stacheyar colonies, Imperial scientists determined that the aliens were a race of highly advanced creatures with similar scientific and social abilities. After first contact with the Imperial Expeditionary Force L1/L2 L3/L4, Emperor Torindine determined that the aliens posed a potential threat to the safety of the nearest system--Gerbanon. He ordered the destruction of any non-Imperial vessel found near Gerbanon. This led to the Border Skirmishes L1/L2 L3/L4, the Insect War L1/L2 L3/L4, and ultimately the launching of the Death's Head Missiles by the enemy.
Tests of Sle'Stacheyar structures lead scientists to believe that the aliens pre-date the Vell Empires by as much as a millennium. Some research indicates that they were a highly intelligent race and may have developed psiotechnical abilities.