Slaughter of Gerbanon
Perhaps the most infamous of the Border Skirmishes L1/L2 L3/L4, the Slaughter of Gerbanon best represents the atrocities associated with the Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4. The Gerbanon outpost was reported to be a non-military installation in the Feln system of the Old Imperium. Reports from naval intelligence indicate that the base was infiltrated by a strike team of Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4. Somehow, this small force was able to assume control of the base and brutally murder its crew, made up of fifty technicians and their families. According to witnesses, body parts from the victims were then laid out in geometric designs thought to be characters from the Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4 language. No translation was made public by the military.