Death's Head Missile
A weapon of near unimaginable magnitude, the Death's Head Missile is capable of destroying a star and wiping out all life in a system. At the end of the Insect War L1/L2 L3/L4, the Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4 mounted their final assault upon the Torindine Empire. One by one, they launched the Death's Head Missiles toward the thirteen suns that comprised Imperial Space. One by one the thirteen suns winked out of existence, and with them, all life on their inhabited planets. By destroying the stars, the Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4 made navigation of the Grand Imperial Fleet impossible, obstructing any rescue operations. As the last of the Death's Head Missiles was launched towards the remaining star, the Grand Imperial Fleet gathered what refugees it could, and navigated through the only remaining path to the Frontier.
The last of the Death's Head Missiles never destroyed the remaining star, however. Imperial Scientists, who were experimenting with their own version of the Death's Head, destroyed the sun as the Grand Fleet navigated toward the Frontier. It was believed that if that sun were destroyed, the Sle'Stacheyar L1/L2 L3/L4 would have no way to follow. Many New Hegemony scientists, specifically those in the Yysblan ThinkTank, believe the last of the Death's Head Missiles is still on its way. Hampered by the lack of a navigable sun, it streaks across the void in real space, seeking the survivors of the Torindine Empire.
Of note is the effect that living "in the shadow of Death's Head" has had upon the New Hegemony. While many believe the story to be nothing more than a superstition, others worship the missile for the cleansing fire it will bring to the Frontier. These nihilistic Enemies of the Collective are currently under investigation by the Magistrates.