0: S.U.Z.I.E. Terminal [unlinked]
1: Icarus Machines
2: Power Priority
3: Station Plans
4: Lower Engineering
5: Middle Engineering
6: Upper Engineering
7: Lower Research
8: Middle Research
9: Upper Research
10: Lower Geodome
11: Middle Geodome
12: Upper Geodome
13: Upper Escape Pod
14: Upper Escape Pod
15: Upper Escape Pod
16: Dock
17: Visitors Quarters
18: Life Support Center
19: Life Support Node Room
20: Washroom
21: High Security Cell
22: Gardener's Quarters
23: Observatory
24: Garden Tools Store
25: Green House
26: Navigator's Quarters
27: Pillar Garden
28: Fountain Garden
29: Cinema
30: Video Recreation Room
31: Sapling Room
32: Hydroponics Room
33: Gymnasium
34: Tree Growth Room
35: Seedling Room
36: Water Tank House
37: Water Storage Unit
38: Water Recycling Center
39: Water Pump House
40: Observation Deck
41: LOxy Tanks
42: Relaxation Room
43: Bridge
44: Captain's Quarters
45: Captain's Office
46: S.U.Z.I.E. Room
47: Captain's Mess
48: Data Bank Cluster
49: Star Lab
50: Star Lab Prep Room
51: Science Store
52: Kenyon Research Lab
53: Ancillary Research
54: Kenyon Trap Control
55: Fast Drift Tube Room
56: Research Vending Room
57: Science Lecture Room
58: Research Fan Room
59: Air Conditioning Center
60: Research Pump Room
61: Main Science Area
62: Jurell's Quarters
63: S.U.Z.I.E. Terminal Room
64: Womak's Quarters
65: Po and Drassan's Quarters
66: Astronomy Lab
67: Mass Spectrometer Lab
68: Matter Analysis Lab
69: Medical Vending Room
70: Drift Tube (Slow)
71: Slow Kenyon Store
72: Drift Tube Stage (Slow Flow)
73: Fast Kenyon Trap Housing
74: Particle Analysis Lab
75: Sickbay
76: Medical Analysis Ward
77: Azirra's Room
78: Medical Research Center
79: Hayz's Quarters
80: Gallahi's Quarters
81: Thryst's Quarters
82: Holding Cell
83: Pharmacy
84: Kenyon Analysis Lab
85: Malichek's Quarters
86: Lunjoy's Quarters
87: Magum's Quarters
88: Camik's quarters
89: S.U.Z.I.E. Relay Housing [unlinked]
90: Downie and Kata's Quarters
91: Kee and Medler's Quarters [unlinked]
92: Lucis' Quarters [unlinked]
93: Crumps's Quarters
94: Leece's Quarters
95: Ware's Quarters
96: Voosto's Quarters
97: Drum's Quarters
98: Kinkane's Quarters
99: Shavell's Quarters
100: Analysis Ancillary Lab
101: Lower Holding Cell
102: Garrilac's Room
103: Roth's Quarters
104: Rhodey's Quarters
105: Lopan's Quarters
106: Bauth's Quarters
107: Yorry's Quarters
108: Port Thruster Control
109: Main Engineering Lab
110: Stern Thruster Control
111: Opil's Quarters
112: Nurtle's Quarters
113: Keevan's Quarters
114: Aztik's Quarters
115: Immil's Quarters
116: Manoo and Drazzle's Quarters
117: Aft Thruster Control
118: Engineering Ancillary Center
119: Starboard Thruster Control
120: Particle Capture Unit
121: Engineering Vending
122: Kenyon Collection Point
123: S.U.Z.I.E. Interface Center [unlinked]
124: Telemetry Control Board [unlinked]
125: Gunny's Room
126: Giassa's Quarters
127: Evinroh and Bartle's Quarters
128: Marfic and Geller's Quarters
129: Vrite and Karjum's Quarters
130: Tan and Clich's Quarters
131: Phlaxomil's Quarters
132: Mandana's Quarters
133: Security Bridge
134: Security Operations Base
135: Kenyon Store Room
136: Particle Deceleration Lab
137: Laser (Port Side) Control
138: Laser (Starboard Side) Control
139: Lower Vending Room [unlinked]
140: Laser (OffPort) Control
141: Energy Control Panel [unlinked]
142: Laser (OffStarboard) Control
143: Web Control Center
144: Engineering Fan Room
145: Hull Temp Control
146: Engineering Fan Housing
147: Shielding Control Center
148: Main Guest Quarters [unlinked]
149: Guest Quarters
150: Main Drive Housing
151: Main Engine Housing
152: Jigrette's Quarters
153: Chavarik's Quarters
154: Heat Shield Generator
155: Subsidiary Drive Housing
156: Drax's Quarters
157: Store Room
158: Stabelli's Quarters
159: Slab Meltdown Foundry
160: BackUp Drive Housing
161: Secondary Engine Room
162: Shield Distribution Center
163: Web Runner Bay
164: Main Heat Collection Point
165: Emergency Drive Housing
166: Shield Distribution Check Point
167: Shield Focus Center
168: Shield Room
169: Auxiliary Slab Meltdown Foundry
170: Melt Discharge House
171: PreMelt Discharge Room
172: Slab Store (Return)
173: Slab Store (OutBound)
174: Auxiliary Bridge
175: Auxiliary Storage
176: Communications Center
177: Kenyon Storage
178: Kenyon Viewing Room [unlinked]
179: Deep Cryogenics Center
180: Shallow Cryogenics Center
181: Auxiliary Engines
182: S.U.Z.I.E. Core
183: Kenyon Viewing Site [unlinked]
184: Departure Lounge 1
185: Departure Lounge 2
186: Docking Bay
187: Service Area
188: Control Section
189: Air Lock
190: Energy Grid
191: Ion Decelerator 1
192: Ion Decelerator 2
193: Matter Collector
194: Collection Regulatory Board
195: Energy Control Center
196: Transporter Control Unit
197: Security Control Board
198: Telemetry Control Board
199: Telemeter
200: Thruster (Aft Swing)
201: Thruster (Stern Swing)
202: Thruster (Port Roll)
203: Thruster (Starboard Roll)
204: Engine Coolant System
205: Engine Coolant Control
206: Thrust Synchronizer
207: Sync Control Board
208: Temperature Control
209: Slab Feeder
210: Carbide Melting Control
211: Heat Collection Unit
212: Engineering Heat Drain
213: Research Heat Drain
214: Geodome Heat Drain
215: Shield Focuser
216: Heat Shield Generator
217: Magnetic Shield Generator
218: Magnetic Shield Distributor
219: Heat Shield Distributor
220: Docking Control Panel
221: Web Control Unit
222: Mining Web (Main Line)
223: Deceleration Tube
224: Kenyon Collection Tank (Fast)
225: Kenyon Collection Tank (Medium)
226: Kenyon Collection Tank (Slow)
227: Collector Switch Mechanism
228: S.U.Z.I.E. Control Panel
229: S.U.Z.I.E. Data Bank Board
230: Surge Filtration Unit
231: S.U.Z.I.E. Core Board
232: S.U.Z.I.E. Terminal #1
233: S.U.Z.I.E. Terminal #2
234: S.U.Z.I.E. Terminal #3
235: Chief Scientist's Terminal
236: Subprocessor (Sci)
237: Subprocessor (Lib)
238: Subprocessor (Targeting)
239: Chief Doctor's Terminal
240: Captain's Terminal
241: Science Terminal
242: Medical Terminal
243: Security Terminal
244: Engineering Terminal
245: Armaments Console
246: Instrument Trunk
247: Radiation Detection Unit
248: Spectrum Analysis Unit
249: Research Simulator
250: Solar System Monitor
251: Kenyon Analysis Unit
252: Kenyon Research Tank
253: Radio Wave Detection Unit
254: Matter Analysis Unit
255: Stasis Projection Unit
256: Culture Analysis Unit
257: Tissue Analyzer
258: Radiation Therapy Unit
259: Personnel Diagnostic Unit
260: Surgical Unit
261: X-ray/Cat Scanner
262: Atmosphere Pump (Engineering)
263: Atmosphere Pump (Research)
264: Atmosphere Pump (Geodome)
265: Atmosphere Exchanger
266: O2 Cooling Unit
267: H2O Reclamation Unit
268: CO2 Collection Unit
269: CO2 Recycling Unit
270: H2O Recycling Unit
271: Pure H2O Tank
272: Reclaimed H2O Tank
273: Water Pump (Geodome)
274: Water Pump (Research)
275: Mainline Water Pump
276: Water Purification Unit
277: Water Collector
278: Water Pump (Engineering)
279: Light Relay (Engineering)
280: Light Relay (Research)
281: Main Light Relay Board
282: Comms Relay (Research)
283: Mainline Comms Relay
284: Comms Relay (Geodome)
285: Light Relay (Geodome)
286: Nutrient Tanks
287: Botany Control Board
288: Food Storage Control Panel
289: Food Preparation Console
290: Lecture Hall Control Panel
291: Gym Equipment Panel
292: Projector
293: Video Recreation Board
294: Life Support Control Board
295: Shielding Control Center
296: Comms Relay (Engineering)
297: Flux Inhibitor
298: S.U.Z.I.E. Node
299: Instruments Node
300: Medical Node
301: Utilities Node
302: Food / Recreation Node
303: Mining Node
304: Weaponry Node
305: Atmosphere Node
306: Shielding Node
307: Thruster Node
308: Elevator Node
309: Base Cooling Systems Node
310: Security Systems Node
311: S.U.Z.I.E. Data Bank Modules [unlinked]
312: Stasis Field Generator Node [unlinked]
313: Database Access
314: Icarus Station
315: Base Rooms
316: Top Geodome
317: Middle Geodome
318: Bottom Geodome
319: Top Research
320: Middle Research
321: Bottom Research
322: Top Engineering
323: Middle Engineering
324: Bottom Engineering
325: EPT
326: EPL
327: EPT
328: EPL
329: EPT
330: EPL
331: Dock
332: Base Machinery
333: Power
334: Suzie
335: Thrusters
336: Instruments
337: Medical
338: Utilities
339: Food/Recreation
340: Mining
341: Atmosphere
342: Information Database
343: Base Operations
344: Base Visitors
345: Command
346: Engineering
347: Medical
348: Science
349: Security
350: Base Personnel
351: Command Section
352: Engineering Section
353: Medical Section
354: Science Section
355: Security Section
356: Transport
357: Star Systems
358: Historical Information
359: Whonelia Navin
360: PCF98951
361: Playfilm
362: Playfilm
363: Playfilm
364: Menjinn Drax
365: Menjinn Drax
366: Menjinn Drax
367: Domar Luvey
368: Domar Luvey
369: Domar Luvey
370: Ramin Jurell
371: Ramin Jurell
372: Ramin Jurell
373: Holman Azirra
374: Holman Azirra
375: Holman Azirra
376: Dania Luvey
377: Dania Luvey
378: Dania Luvey
379: Mason Garrilac
380: Mason Garrilac
381: Mason Garrilac
382: Balor Hayz
383: Balor Hayz
384: Balor Hayz
385: Dail Drassan
386: Dail Drassan
387: Dail Drassan
388: Gekkle Malichek
389: Gekkle Malichek
390: Gekkle Malichek
391: Bor Gunny
392: Bor Gunny
393: Bor Gunny
394: Seral Camik
395: Seral Camik
396: Seral Camik
397: Beemin Womak
398: Beemin Womak
399: Beemin Womak
400: Genshin Po
401: Genshin Po
402: Genshin Po
403: Trina Gallahi
404: Trina Gallahi
405: Trina Gallahi
406: Temple Thryst
407: Temple Thryst
408: Temple Thryst
409: Valora Kleeland
410: Valora Kleeland
411: Valora Kleeland
412: Justyce Jigrette
413: Justyce Jigrette
414: Justyce Jigrette
415: Pino Chavarik
416: Pino Chavarik
417: Pino Chavarik
418: Mica Shevell
419: Mica Shevell
420: Mica Shevell
421: Jessupie Crump
422: Jessupie Crump
423: Jessupie Crump
424: Barno Stabelli
425: Barno Stabelli
426: Barno Stabelli
427: Robish Leece
428: Robish Leece
429: Robish Leece
430: Gufin Ware
431: Gufin Ware
432: Gufin Ware
433: Finnord Voosto
434: Finnord Voosto
435: Finnord Voosto
436: Bagin Drum
437: Bagin Drum
438: Bagin Drum
439: Ruffalo Kinkane
440: Ruffalo Kinkane
441: Ruffalo Kinkane
442: Hamie Lucis
443: Hamie Lucis
444: Hamie Lucis
445: Pressim Lunjoy
446: Pressim Lunjoy
447: Pressim Lunjoy
448: Quidge Magum
449: Quidge Magum
450: Quidge Magum
451: Lollie Downle
452: Lollie Downle
453: Lollie Downle
454: Sarin Kee
455: Sarin Kee
456: Sarin Kee
457: Vonn Medler
458: Vonn Medler
459: Vonn Medler
460: Tay Kata
461: Tay Kata
462: Tay Kata
463: Jeard Rhodey
464: Jeard Rhodey
465: Jeard Rhodey
466: Faree Lopan
467: Faree Lopan
468: Faree Lopan
469: Tether Bauth
470: Tether Bauth
471: Tether Bauth
472: Taylor Yorry
473: Taylor Yorry
474: Taylor Yorry
475: Natrim Opil
476: Natrim Opil
477: Natrim Opil
478: Frankly Nurtle
479: Frankly Nurtle
480: Frankly Nurtle
481: Dart Keevan
482: Dart Keevan
483: Dart Keevan
484: Garv Aztik
485: Garv Aztik
486: Garv Aztik
487: Gotin Immil
488: Gotin Immil
489: Gotin Immil
490: Harin Roth
491: Harin Roth
492: Harin Roth
493: Tzar Manoo
494: Tzar Manoo
495: Tzar Manoo
496: Finn Drazzle
497: Finn Drazzle
498: Finn Drazzle
499: Beiris Giassa
500: Beiris Giassa
501: Beiris Giassa
502: Karit Evinroh
503: Karit Evinroh
504: Karit Evinroh
505: Gorrin Marfic
506: Gorrin Marfic
507: Gorrin Marfic
508: Barinn Vrite
509: Barinn Vrite
510: Barinn Vrite
511: Eart Tan
512: Eart Tan
513: Eart Tan
514: Herig Phlaxomil
515: Herig Phlaxomil
516: Herig Phlaxomil
517: Hather Karjenum
518: Hather Karjenum
519: Hather Karjenum
520: Salik Clich
521: Salik Clich
522: Salik Clich
523: Frebie Mandana
524: Frebie Mandana
525: Frebie Mandana
526: Jarada Toth
527: Jarada Toth
528: Jarada Toth
529: Frek Bartle
530: Frek Bartle
531: Frek Bartle
532: Yanith Geller
533: Yanith Geller
534: Yanith Geller
535: Tamorin Aidin-Edgell
536: Tamorin Aidin-Edgell
537: Yetta
538: Yetta
539: Yetta
540: Vetta
541: Vetta
542: Vetta
543: Reaver Djinn
544: Reaver Djinn
545: Reaver Djinn
546: Yehanna Ta
547: Yehanna Ta
548: Yehanna Ta
549: Jacomo
550: Jacomo
551: Jacomo
552: Political Officer
553: A.H.C.
554: A.H.C.
555: Labour Solidarity of the Frontier
556: Bureau of Acquisition
557: Torindine Empire
558: Vell Dynasties
559: Vell
560: Last Age
561: Frontier
562: Vell Confederation
563: Crynost Empire
564: Crynost
565: Kamin
566: Bellimost Empire
567: Sle'Stacheyar
568: Sle'Stacheyar
569: Imperial Expeditionary Force
570: Imperial Expeditionary Force
571: Insect War
572: Insect War
573: Slaughter of Gerbanon
574: Slaughter of Gerbanon
575: Exodus
576: New Hegemony
577: Collective
578: Whole
579: Canon of Conduct
580: Articles of Domain
581: Duach Dah MeYar
582: Imperial Protectorate
583: Border Skirmishes
584: Border Skirmishes
585: Emperor Torindal
586: Vice-Admiral Yernin
587: Senate
588: Bloodbound Warriors
589: Chulkah
590: Na'ariz Tamor
591: Livan'chu
592: Livan'chu
593: Navigators
594: Sorority of Navigators
595: Sorority social customs
596: Dar-Aht-Maht
597: Dar-Aht-Maht
598: Chayet-ketah
599: Doh-Vet-Nahr
600: Telepathic Bond
601: Telepathic Bond
602: Navigational Lane
603: Warp
604: Warp box
605: Ka-Mi-Nah
606: Navigation
607: Chudani
608: Confederation of Democratic Provinces
609: Confederation of Democratic Provinces
610: Magistrates
611: Navy
612: Digitals
613: Digitals
614: Citizen Selection Board
615: Yysblan ThinkTank
616: Senatorial Council on Alternative Resources
617: Death's Head Missile
618: Death's Head Missile
619: Balium Cluster
620: Janor Prize
621: Tortrammadon Office of Technical Intelligence
622: Asset to the Hegemony
623: Neurogenic compounds
624: Kenyons
625: Solar density coefficient
626: Light
627: Gravitation
628: Blinovitch limitation
629: Radiation
630: Radiation waves
631: Radiation particles
632: Cosmic wave
633: Gamma rays
634: Seven Systems
635: Nephlon
636: Nephlon Personnel Conveyance Detachment
637: Faraan
638: Drexum
639: Dijanus Accelerated Learning Environment for Young Citizens
640: Turm
641: Tranor Military Academy
642: Nephlon Officer Candidate Academy
643: Nephti Indigenous Control Center
644: Commandant Kru Zeller
645: Ervil Kurst
646: Special Operations Bureau
647: Faytur
648: University of Nolmark
649: Lohahti
650: Depottin Technical Institute
651: Brogorann Medical Academy
652: Mantire
653: Virkhode Institute
654: Janor Fellowship
655: Namgen Academy of Applied Sciences
656: Liebaal
657: Zaronee
658: Randadam High Altitude Observatory
659: Tatheree
660: Peerz-Hasternakk Trade Institute
661: Center for Protectorate Affairs
662: Herinee
663: Joridan Trench Tracking Station
664: Zerces
665: Bloor
666: Devir
667: Getach
668: Debirick Deep-Interior Pumping Platform
669: Arin
670: Glubin Resource Development Station
671: Farn
672: Graf
673: Jurni
674: Banagoon
675: Banag
676: Dower Off-World Relocation Center
677: Special Labour Force
678: Thulsaar
679: Trevlock-Hylde University
680: Monanon Research Facility
681: Monanon Research Facility
682: Rulletto
683: Reklon Technical Institute
684: Theris
685: Banagoon Nebula
686: Foristan Nebula Research Outpost
687: Foristan Nebula Research Outpost
688: Xexor
689: Icarus Mining Station
690: Barraga
691: Attag
692: Wisstin
693: Wiss-tech Agricultural Workyard
694: University of Prill at Vardin
695: Therak
696: Free Trader's League
697: Free Trader's League
698: Churl
699: Yetchee
700: Jurlth
701: Fillner
702: Heptara
703: Doure
704: Veetoh
705: Harnnil
706: Rathe
707: Marlith
708: Lopangul Transportation Hangar
709: Tracine
710: Jatilla Temple
711: Jerrole
712: War of Suppression
713: Battle Over Krisbrun
714: Senator Corrin Doralus-Tain
715: Senator Corrin Doralus-Tain
716: Pellin Doralus-Tain
717: Lorimer Alignment
718: Brethren
719: Boristol Indigenous Population Control Center
720: Boristol Indigenous Population Control Center
721: Syntoa
722: Phloyyd'syb Gas Mine
723: Sygorn
724: Pohl
725: Gava
726: Nystin Internment Environment
727: Quor
728: Survle
729: Letti
730: Lomok Mining Station
731: Ringoa
732: Danvoodle Terriforming Site [unlinked]
733: Flauggraunts
734: Peth
735: Falarn
736: Ellis
737: Ellis Workers Enhancement Environment
738: Dawinbrom Engineering
739: Kurg
740: Faralon Sector Experimental Breeding Lab
741: Faralon Sector Experimental Breeding Lab
742: Guelni
743: T'Geniv III Ore Mine
744: T'Geniv III Ore Mine
745: Melizan Device
746: Helarga
747: Jor
748: Captain
749: Chief Security Officer
750: Security Supervisor
751: Security Bridge Officer
752: Guard Geo Disc
753: Guard Res Disc
754: Guard Eng Disc
755: Chief Science Officer
756: Senior Researcher
757: Particle Physicist
758: Assist Sr. Researcher
759: Assist Particle Physicist
760: Computer Technician
761: Chief Medical Officer
762: Radiation Research
763: Assist CMO
764: Assist Radiation Reassert
765: Doctor-on-Duty
766: Medtech-on-Duty
767: Stimulant Administration
768: Chief Engineer
769: Coolant System Operation
770: Energy Modification Control
771: Engineering Foreman
772: Shielding Control
773: Ion Decelerator Operation
774: Mining Operation
775: Life Support System Operation
776: Telemeter Control
777: Power Grid Operation
778: Hull Systems Operation
779: Geo Disc Repair and Maintenance
780: Res Disc Repair and Maintenance
781: Eng Disc Repair and Maintenance
782: Duty Rosters
783: Security Duty Roster
784: Science Duty Roster
785: Medical Duty Roster
786: Engineering Duty Roster
787: Engineering 1st Shift
788: Engineering 2nd Shift